Last week, our IB Astronomy Teacher Simon Davis invited students and staff to a telescope evening. The event was well attended and everybody had a chance to look through the eyepiece at the clear night sky.
The highlights included the Moon, with plenty of crisp detail of craters and the Andromeda galaxy, which was said to look like a fuzzy cloud through the eyepiece. The Double cluster was visible, along with the Pleiades or 'seven sisters'. The group also looked at the stars Vega and Altair in detail.
St. Clare's is the only College in the world to offer Astronomy as an IB subject choice. The college telescope (a Celestron CPC 1100 GPS) is Alt Azimuth mount, ideal for a quick set up and looking at the night sky. Our Astronomy teacher has an interest in 'astrophotography' and has taken the images below.