On Friday 28th of March, St. Clare’s joined sixteen other schools in a Model United Nations’ Conference held at Magdalen College School in Oxford. Our team represented Rwanda in all seven committees, including a prized seat on the Security Council, and another two students joined Shrewsbury to form a Canadian delegation – the nine students were accompanied by two members of staff.

The conference ran over three days, giving the students the opportunity to produce Position Papers, Opening Statements, debate, lobby, draft and amend resolutions, before deciding whether to raise their placard for or against the Final Resolution. The St. Clare’s students took their role play seriously, preparing three weeks in advance, speaking in diplomatic English in the committees and General Assembly, and even dressing up to the nines for the occasion.

All the students deserve praise for their eloquence and erudition with particular congratulations going to Niall who was awarded by the hosts the title ‘Highly Commended Delegate’ for his sterling work in the Human Rights Committee. Although the weekend’s work saw some resolutions passed whilst others were rejected, the students came away with the feeling that in the three day world of the MUN they had left the planet in a better condition than they had found it.

In the words of Dag Hammarskjold: ‘The purpose of the UN is not to transport mankind to heaven, but prevent him from descending into hell’.
Student Participation:
- Barbara Ponikowska - Middle East (Rwanda)
- Anna Michieletto - Environmental and Health (Rwanda)
- Zuzanna Dembińska – Economic (Rwanda)
- Daniel M. Lindoso – Political (Rwanda)
- Luka Nikolic - Security Council (Rwanda)
- Barbara Teixeira de Sousa Senecaut - Human Rights (Rwanda)
- Kristijonas Pajeda - Historical (Rwanda)
- Niall Evans – Human Rights (Canada)
- Mirabel Anosike – Middle East (Canada)