We are delighted to have officially opened our brand new Science and Mathematics facility, the Pamela Morris Building.
We were joined by a number of distinguished guests, including the Lord Mayor of Oxford, Director of the Oxford Preservation Society, Director of the Royal Institute of British Architects and many more.
After a delicious lunch of paella and salad followed by desserts made by our in-house pastry chef and ice cream courtesy of the great G&Ds of Oxford, our Chair of Governors, Richard Dick, welcomed our guests to the occasion. This was followed by thanks and acknowledgements from Paula Holloway, and finally Professor Roger Ainsworth, Master of St. Catherine's at Oxford University, officially opened the building by unveiling the ceremonial plaque.
The guests were then invited to take a tour of the building and witnessed several of our IB students engrossed in various science experiments, making use of the new, state-of-the-art equipment.
This was a wonderful afternoon and we were humbled to have so many significant figures join us in celebrating this success.