NEW! Mid IB Investigative Science

David Fowkes, Director of IB Summer Courses explains: Who is it for? Specifically designed for IB students who have completed their first year of the Diploma programme and are about to embark on their Group 4 IA investigation.

As a compulsory component of the IB Diploma programme, the Experimental Sciences internal assessment (IA) now challenges students to devise and carry out a complete scientific investigation.

The high level cognitive and manipulative skills required for success in investigative science provide an exciting opportunity for students to conduct, on a small scale, an individual research project.

The Investigative Science course provides practical, investigative training for IB diploma students. This allows them subsequently on return to their own schools, to tackle with confidence, their own investigations.

The course will provide students with:

  • Training in scientific investigation methodology
  • Consolidation of the theory behind potential topics for investigation
  • Expert guidance from highly experienced IB Diploma teachers
  • 20 hours access to well-equipped state of the art laboratories
  • A wide choice of mini investigations to complete
  • An introduction to analytical methods in the chosen subjects

Laboratory-based: Up to 20 hours “hands on” in St. Clare’s Pamela Morris Laboratories. Learn to use a range of laboratory techniques according to preferences. Possible techniques include: colorimetry, titration, data-logging, chromatography, microscopy, electrophoresis, and spectrometry.

Consolidation of theory: One hour intensive tutorials to consolidate and develop students’ understanding of a chosen topic. Theory covered here will inform the planning stage of the students’ chosen mini investigations.

A wide choice of possible investigations: Students choose from a range of “mini” investigation topics. Ten titles in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are offered. Students choose a different investigation each day (Monday-Thursday).

Analysis, presentation and discussion: On Friday students review their findings and present to their peers in the form of a poster, web page, video or slide show. Discussion and evaluation enables students to reflect upon their experiences over the week and therefore inform their approach to future investigative work.

Dates and prices

Age: 16+/17
Dates: Sunday 26 June - Saturday 2 July 2016 (1 week)
Class size: 12 (maximum)
English Level: Advanced
Time: 20 lessons plus 5 other classes (1 lesson = 55 minutes)
Price: £1400
Includes tuition, materials, meals, accommodation, activities programme, 1 excursion and travel insurance
For more information contact:
Tom Whitehouse, Sales Coordinator - Summer Courses

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