Exam Results

Examination results have been excellent again at St. Clare’s. The college has one of the largest groups of students in the UK taking the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma. In 2016, 115 students took the Diploma resulting in an average point score of 36.06 which means that our average student achieved better than three A* and a B at A level. The average worldwide point score for all schools and colleges is 30 points. 100% of our students passed; the pass rate worldwide is 80%.  

For our students this means:

  • An average points score of 36.06; this compares very favourably with the world average of 30
  • A 100% pass rate; the world pass rate is 80%
  • 65% students with 35 points or more (equivalent to A*AAA at A level)
  • 24% of students gaining the elite category of 40+ points (top 5% in the world)
  • 93% of students gaining 30 points or more which is the average score of IB students around the world and equivalent to A*AA at A level
I am extremely proud of the students who graduated this year. They were a particularly cohesive year group who supported each other in the period leading up to the examinations. They worked hard and deserve the results which they achieved - Paula Holloway, Principal.

Based on the Government Performance Tables published in January 2016, for the 6th year St. Clare's has the best sixth form results in Oxfordshire. We have also improved our position in the league tables for England and are now ranked 6th of all 4,303 state and independent schools included in the tables.

If you are interested in more details about our performance results you can compare the results in detail: UK Government Department for Education - Performance Tables

Comparison of St Clare's 2016 results with previous years
  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
40 points or more 22% 31% 25% 26% 24%
30 points or more 90% 92% 87% 98% 93%
24 points or more 99% 99% 100% 100% 100%
Mean score (excluding retakes) 35 37 36 37 36
The maximum score is 45 points and the pass mark is 24 points.

Studying the IB at St Clares OxfordLucien - French - 43 points - Gap Year - teaching English in Nepal
I don’t know if it is the international environment, the quality of the teaching or the diversity of backgrounds found at St Clare’s that broadened my views of the world but it goes without saying that I have spent two unforgettable years of my life here. I have grown immensely and I am incredibly grateful for everything that has happened to me.

Graduating students at St Clare's Oxford

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