University Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions


Our final intake for this year’s University Foundation course is on 29th October. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from prospective applicants.

What are the benefits of the St Clare’s University Foundation Course?

Students benefit from:

  • access to universities around the world
  • developing academic and organisational skills required to succeed at university
  • UFC graduates find the jump from school to university much smoother
  • expert advice from our dedicated Careers and Higher Education Adviser
  • completely impartial advice on which universities to apply to

How is the course structured?

The course is split into two distinct streams: Business and International Affairs. Students will take a variety of academic subjects based on their chosen specialty.

Business Subjects:

  • Economics
  • Business
  • Maths for Business
  • Basic Statistics
  • Global Issues

International Affairs Subjects:

  • Politics
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Basic Statistics
  • Global Issues

All UFC students will also study English for Academic Purposes to develop the following skills:

  • Academic reading and writing
  • Note-taking and summarising
  • Making presentations
  • Idioms
  • Usage and collocation

Finally, students go through our robust careers programme to ensure that:

  • each student takes the time to consider their future and explore the opportunities ahead of them
  • they choose the most suitable course and university
  • personal statements are the best they can be

Our Careers and Higher Education Adviser is always on hand to guide students with all aspects of their future goals.

What would I gain after the course?

  • 100% of students who successfully complete the course get a place at university.
  • Our graduates go on to study a huge variety of subjects all over the UK and the world, including the Netherlands and Germany.
  • You can find out more about our UFC 2017 graduate destinations here.

What are the entry requirements?

  • Complete this online registration form and pay the £100 registration fee
  • Send your high school leaving certificate and / or most recent transcript of grades
  • Show proof of English level, either by:
    • sending an official English language test certificate or
    • by completing the St Clare’s grading test and have an interview via SKYPE

Further Reading

Welcome dinner at Queen’s College

We welcomed our new students in style, and introduced them to Oxford with a dinner at the University of Oxford’s Queen’s College. View the photos.

Looking back at a great summer!

Highlights of the Adult Summer Courses at the International College, including study visits, excursions and social activities.

Do you want to apply to university in the UK, US or Europe?

Our University Foundation Course is perfect for you.

Apply now
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