Nina celebrates 20 Years at St Clare’s


Our brilliant Course Director for the junior courses, Nina Ward, celebrates her 20th year with us! Her daily tasks involve running the busy and fun packed junior courses as well as ensuring students settle in happily and smoothly. She is a huge asset to us!

We were able to catch up with her to find out her best memories.

Hi Nina, congratulations! How does it feel to have completed your 20th year at St Clare’s?

Well to be honest it was a bit of a shock to realise I’d reached that milestone! 


What first attracted you to St Clare’s Junior Summer Course?

I’d heard about St Clare’s and knew it had a really good reputation for its International Baccalaureate Programme. In fact I’d been to Oxford the previous year to visit the school as I had a student who was interested in going there. I remember being really impressed with the friendliness of the staff and the welcoming atmosphere. Then the following summer I was offered the opportunity to take over as Course Director in their junior campus. I was so happy!


Has anything changed over the years?

Oh yes, lots of things! The course has evolved and we have added a lot of new activities and trips. We now have a talent show which is very popular and it’s wonderful to see the variety of talents which our students possess – the Chinese students especially are amazing pianists, and last summer we had a family of Jordanian students with incredible magic tricks! I’ve seen gymnasts from Poland, ballet dancers from Russia, break dancing from Germany, poets from Indonesia and fantastic singers from all over the world! The number of different nationalities has increased so we now usually have over 20 different countries represented on our courses!


Favourite memory?

That’s hard to say, I have so many happy memories of my years at St Clare’s. I have met so many wonderful people both among the staff and students and it is great when they come back and tell us how they are doing.


What is your proudest moment at St Clare’s?

I don’t know if proud is the right word, but I certainly felt quite emotional when I was presented with an engraved vase to mark my 10 years at St Clare’s and Lawrie Coupland made a speech.


What makes you come back year after year?

The family atmosphere we have created over the years both among staff and students. I work with some amazing people who are very supportive and it is the team that make it all possible. Staff who return year after year are so important in maintaining continuity and the new staff bring different ideas and a new energy every year!


If you could change one thing about St Clare’s Junior Summer Course, what would it be?

I’d send everyone to bed at 8pm so I could sleep more!!! It’s quite exhausting!


What 3 words describe your time at St Clare’s?

Dedication. Satisfaction. Hilarity!

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Further Reading

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Students often need a change of scenery from studying in the Library or in their rooms, and so seek different places to study. However, it is sometimes too time-consuming to find a quiet place which is not overcrowded. Therefore, I visited 3 cafes that can...


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