St Clare’s International College was awarded the highest score of ‘Excellent’ in all areas by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for Private Further Education (PFE) at the latest inspection in December 2022.
The purpose of the inspection was to confirm that the quality reported at the previous inspection was being maintained according to the Educational Oversight Standards.
St Clare’s is proud to announce that the college continues to ‘exceed expectations’ in all three areas. The key highlights are:
- The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learner’s achievements is excellent
“The quality of course provision and curriculum … very effectively supports students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their goals.”
“The quality of teaching is excellent. Students benefit from highly qualified and experienced teachers … Students are highly motivated, focused and enthusiastic … They engage very effectively”.
“Students value the very high level of personal support they receive through regular academic tutorials.”
- Students’ welfare, including health and safety, is excellent
“The college implements excellent arrangements to ensure the health and safety of students and staff.”
“Students have a clear understanding of what to do in the event of an emergency. They confirmed to the inspectors that they feel safe at college.”
“Systems for recording student registration and attendance are excellent … As a result, overall attendance rates are high.”
“Pastoral support is excellent. Very effective systems are in place for monitoring student wellbeing and providing prompt, personalised support when required.”
“Safeguarding arrangements for students under 18 are excellent … A team of designated safeguarding officers are suitably trained to an appropriate level.”
- The effectiveness of governance, leadership and management is excellent
“Ownership and oversight are excellent. A board of experienced and committed governors have established a very effective relationship with the recently appointed principal.”
“Leadership and management are excellent. Leaders and managers understand their roles and responsibilities and provide very clear educational direction.”
“Provision of information is excellent. The website provides comprehensive, accurate and detailed information about courses and facilities available at the IC.”