Visual Arts

by on 29/04/2017

Improve your skills, build your design portfolio and learn new techniques

If you study Visual Arts as part of the IB Diploma curriculum work, or choose to do it as one of your CAS experiences, you will be able to use our well-equipped art studio.

Similarly, students studying our Art and Digital Design over the summer or the Visual Arts component of the Undergraduate Programme can enjoy using these facilities.

Specialist staff

If you wish to continue your artistic practice, our teachers bring a wealth of experience to help build your art portfolio for university.

Art studio facilities

With having a purpose-built art studio, our students get the opportunity to explore their creativity and experiment with range of techniques including:

2D forms

  • Drawing: such as charcoal, pencil, ink
  • Painting: such as acrylic, oil, watercolour
  • Printmaking: such as relief, intaglio, silk-screen, chine collé
  • Graphics: such as illustration and design

3D forms

  • Sculpture: such as ceramics, found objects, wood, assemblage
  • Designed objects: such as fashion, architectural, vessels
  • Site specific / ephemeral: such as land art, installation, mural
  • Textiles: such as fibre, weaving, printed fabric

Lens-based, electronic and screen-based forms

  • Time-based and sequential art: such as animation, graphic novel, storyboard
  • Lens media: such as still, moving, montage
  • Digital/screen based: such as vector graphics, software generated

Students have their own individual storage spaces for A1 portfolios and sketchbooks. The studio is well-lit and the north wall is covered with magnetic exhibition boards for easy and flexible displays of work.

The studio is equipped with an intaglio press, mannequins, sewing machines, a photographic darkroom, and a high resolution interactive digital screen, among many more art materials.

Further Reading

Hear from our Students: Golf at St Clare’s

Hear from our Students: Golf at St Clare’s

An Opportunity to Learn a Lifelong Sport Golf has become a popular and rewarding experience for students at St Clare’s, offering a chance to try a sport that, for many, is both intriguing and unfamiliar. This growing interest stems from golf’s unique...

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