Clare's, Oxford
139 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7AL UK
44 (0)1865 552031
44 (0)1865 513359
Teacher Training
English Teachers' Methodology Courses for non-native
speakers 2002
- One, two or three
week courses (21 hours per week) in July and August
- Update your skills
and refine your current teaching practice
- Three hours of teaching
methodology each day plus six hours per week of workshops for
teachers including topics such as : Language through Drama; Communicative
speaking activities; Group Dynamics; Warmers and Fillers; use
of computer and video; Learner Training
- Designed for experienced
teachers looking for new ideas and less experienced teachers wishing
to develop further skills
- All Methodology
courses will have options for secondary level techers. Options
for primary teachers will only be available from 7 July.
- Trainees on these
courses may be eligible for funding from the European Union through
the Comenius programme. Contact Helen Buick for
more information on how to apply for funding. eduserv@stclares.ac.uk
- Courses are available
for combinations of 1, 2 or 3 weeks
- Courses are offered
on 7 July and 28 July
- All prices include
full board accommodation; comprehensive travel insurance; one
excursion per week.
Closed Group Courses
- Tailor-made courses
for closed groups (Methodology or Methodology plus language) can
be arranged throughout the year. Please contact Tessa Richardson
for more information shortcourses@stclares.ac.uk
Language Through
Learning TM
- Tailor-made or inset
courses for subject teachers, teaching in English, who may have
non-native speakers in their class groups
- Designed to help
you teach non-language subjects (eg. Geography, Maths, Biology,
Chemistry, Art) in English to non-native speakers of English
- Offers a theoretical
background to language structure and language learning and acquisition
- Includes lots of
practical tips and ideas you can use in the classroom tomorrow
- Please contact Tessa
Richardson, Short Courses Director, shortcourses@stclares.ac.uk
for details on provision as inset in your own country as well
as courses held in Oxford
and fees for the Teachers' courses
Accommodation options and fees
Send for a brochure
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