Is the course suitable for me? |
Suitable for: |
Experienced & less
experienced teachers
Teachers working in Secondary/ Higher Education
Primary teachers can only be accepted as part of a closed group |
Course length: |
2 weeks |
No of hours: |
21 per week |
Minimum level of English: |
ESU level 5/Upper Intermediate/Cambridge
First Certificate |
Minimum no of participants: |
4 |
Course dates: |
16 July - 29 July 2006 |
30 July - 12 August 2006 |
The objectives of the course are wide-ranging, specifically to:
• Expose teachers to new teaching techniques, ideas and materials.
• Learn about other teaching environments, examining common international
educational issues.
• Refine teachers' knowledge of current language usage
• Give teachers greater exposure to British life and culture
• Facilitate the exchange of ideas and materials with fellow teachers
from around the world.
We take a task-based approach. Course participants attend trainer-led
workshops and discussion sessions with our team of experienced and well-qualified
teacher trainers, as well as class observations and relevant study visits
e.g. to world-renowned EFL bookshops, publishers, local schools (whenever
possible). There may also be guest speakers offering sessions on specialist
Course Structure (21 hours tuition per week)
Morning classes:
2 hours of Practical Teaching Strategies each weekday
1 hour of Language Improvement each weekday
Afternoon classes:
2 hours of British Life and Culture on three afternoons each week, one
of which is usually a Study Visit.
Teachers on our methodology courses will:
• Have learnt to become more reflective and considered about their
own teaching.
• Have refined their teaching strategies, and developed new materials.
• Be able to use a range of authentic materials.
• Be more familiar with recent developments in computer based language-learning
• Have become more aware of the importance of learner training and
how to implement it.
• Be more familiar with current language usage and modern-day British
Life and Culture
Towards the end of the course, participants work on an individual project
using authentic materials that they collect during their time in Oxford.
This is then used on their return with their own students, and feedback
on its relative success relayed to our tutors for comment.
Course Outline
We ask teachers enrolling on our courses to bring with them samples of
materials and/or course books that they use with their students in their
own institution. On arrival you also complete an 'Attitudes and Beliefs'
questionnaire, read an article focussing on different teaching styles
and answer some questions and exercises. This encourages you to think
about your attitudes to your teaching and the classroom, as well as providing
a basis for initial discussion in class.
Here is a sample
timetable of some of the areas that may be covered on the course:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
0900-1000 |
warmers & fillers
grammar vs. vocabulary
learning styles
project work
phonetics & phonology
1000-1100 |
attitudes & beliefs
grammar & vocabulary
learner training
project work
phonetics & phonology
1100-1115 |
1115-1215 |
diagnostic testing
newspaper article
1215-1330 |
1330-1430 |
British life & culture
British life & culture
free time
British life & culture
free time
1430-1530 |
Strand 1: Practical Teaching strategies
(10 hrs per week)
A pre-arrival needs analysis will be used in order to tailor the
course to the needs of the participants. We have traditionally included
sessions on:
• Grammar versus vocabulary
• Phonetics & phonology
• Project work
• Teaching the skills
• Using multimedia in the classroom
• Study skills
Strand 2: Language Improvement
(5 hrs per week)
This strand will focus on:
• Collocations
• Current language usage
• Neologisms
• Idioms
• Advanced grammar
Strand 3: British Life & Culture
(6 hrs per week)
This strand will include study visits to places of cultural interest.
Once again the content will be tailored to the interests of the participants.
Topics could include:
• Ethnicity
• Social class
• Youth culture
• Current issues
• The Monarchy
• The Media
Special notes
1. Teacher courses at St. Clare's are focussed at secondary level or older.
Primary teachers can be accepted as part of a closed group on request.
2. Participants may be eligible for funding from the European Union, through
3. Courses last 2 weeks but participants may join for the first week of
any 2-week course.
Closed Group Courses
Tailor-made courses for closed groups (methodology or methodology plus
language) can be arranged at most times of the year for both secondary
and primary teachers. Contact Richard
Walton, Director of Studies EFL, for more information.