
Our lively senior centre welcomes students from around the globe. Students
who choose shared accommodation live with a student from a country other
than their own. All social events, organised trips and activities are
open to all students, regardless of their programme of study.
brief sample of the extra-curricular activities for senior students include:
• the fortnightly Film Club screening
• the Senior Seminar Series - an exploration of issues and ideas
from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Themes addressed most recently
have included violence and human conflict; death and love; villains;
citizenship, democracy and diversity; women of power and influence;
• International Day every semester as well as International evenings
throughout the semester where students prepare and serve food from their
native country;
• accompanied excursions to the theatre, opera, museums and galleries
in Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon and London
• hill walking and horseback riding weekends in Wales
• surfing on the Cornish coast
• organised sporting activities, including free pass to a local
gym in Oxford
• organised trips to European destinations including Paris, Sicily,
Prague, Northern Ireland and Rome.
