Some courses are offered in both semesters, some are offered in just the Autumn or the Spring semester. Please check the semester details for each course in the brief descriptions.
Read brief descriptions of the courses by linking through the course code,
eg. click on AHI7 to read a
brief description of the Art Gallery Studies course, its level and when it is offered.
Core Courses |
Interdisciplinary |
Course level |
St. Clare's Seminar Series |
Art History |
Course level
AHI1 |
Art History Survey: pre-History to 15th century Europe |
L |
AHI2 |
Art in England Survey:
1066-1600 |
U/L |
AHI4 |
Art History Survey (Renaissance - Modern) |
L |
AHI5 |
English Art & Architecture 1600-1850 |
U |
AHI7 |
Art Gallery Studies |
L |
AHI8 |
Modern and Contemporary Art |
U |
AHI9 |
African Art |
L |
Communications |
CM1 |
European Media Analysis |
U |
CM2 |
Rhetoric |
L |
CM3 |
Film Studies |
U |
CM4 |
Cross-cultural Communication |
U/L |
Economics and Business |
EB1 |
Introduction to Economics |
L |
EB2 |
International Economics |
U |
EB3 |
Development Economics |
U |
EB4 |
Introduction to Business
I |
L |
EB5 |
Introduction to Business II |
L |
EB6 |
Economics of European
Integration |
U |
EB7 |
Marketing in the European
Union |
U |
English |
EL1 |
Shakespeare |
U |
EL2 |
- Detailed study |
U |
EL3 |
Oxford and Fantasy
Literature |
L |
EL4 |
Literature of the First World War |
EL5 |
Gender and Literature |
EL6 |
Readings |
EL7 |
Romantic Poets
EL8 |
Modern Drama |
EL9 |
Studies in World Literature: the Short Story |
L |
EL10 |
18th Century Literature |
U |
EL11 |
Contemporary Women Novelists |
L |
EL15 |
European Crime Writing |
L |
EL16 |
Renaissance Studies |
U |
EL17 |
Gothic Fiction |
U |
History |
HI1 |
Kings, Queens, Parliaments and Peoples |
HI2 |
Absolutism, Enlightenment and Revolutions |
HI3 |
British History: Reform, Reaction and Rebellion |
HI4 |
Political Globalisation: World History from 1945 |
HI5 |
Division and Reconciliation: European History since 1945 |
U |
HI6 |
Britain: the Rise and Fall of a Great Power |
U |
HI7 |
War, Fascism & Communism: Europe Divided 1870-1945 |
U/L |
HI8 |
War and Peace in the Middle East: 1900 to the present day |
Mathematics |
MA1 |
College Algebra |
L |
MA2 |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
Philosophy |
PHL1 |
Introduction to Philosophy
PHL2 |
Ethics |
PHL4 |
Ethics, Values and the
Law |
PHL5 |
Business Ethics |
U |
PHL6 |
Philosophy of Human Nature |
L |
PHL7 |
Philosophy of Love & Personal Relationships |
Psychology |
PSY1 |
Introduction to Psychology |
L |
PSY2 |
Theories of Personality |
U |
PSY3 |
Social Psychology |
U |
PSY4 |
Cross-Cultural Psychology |
L/U |
PSY5 |
Development Psychology |
U |
PSY6 |
Abnormal Psychology |
Religion |
REL1 |
Comparative Religion |
REL2 |
The Concept of God |
U/L |
REL3 |
Religion and Globalisation |
Social Science |
SSC1 |
Introduction to Sociology |
SSC2 |
Comparative World Political
Systems |
SSC3 |
The European Union |
SSC4 |
Urban Sociology of Oxford |
L |
SSC5 |
Political Ideologies |
U/L |
SSC6 |
Terrorism |
U/L |
SSC7 |
International Relations |
U/L |
SSC8 |
Sociology of Food |
U/L |
SSC9 |
Political Thought: Ancient to Modern |
L |
Studio Art |
STA1 |
Fundamentals of Drawing |
L |
STA2 |
Advanced Drawing |
U |
STA3 |
Painting I |
L/U |
STA4 |
Advanced Painting |
U |
STA8 |
Photography |
L |