Situated in the heart of the College and open throughout the year, the extensive resources
of the library are made available to all Easter course students. The large facility houses all
the texts required for the full range of IB subjects and is a rich source of information and inspiration.
St. Clare's extensive collection of IB past papers is an invaluable resource for Diploma teachers and students.
ICT facilities, including high speed internet access, are available to students within the library and
locations throughout the college.
Work outside the class
Given the nature of the Easter revision course each student is expected to spend some time in private study each evening,
before any free time begins. This enables students to consolidate work covered in the day
and to prepare for the next day's studies.
Student progress
Progress in class is monitored by the relevant class teachers and the Course Director.
Students receive a written report for all classes taken. These reports detail the work
covered and comment upon performance and ability in the subject.
Course materials
All teaching materials are included in the course fees.