University Foundation Course - contact us

We are sure you will have questions about our courses, about what it is like to study here with us, about who else will be here and how to get here. We hope you will find the answers to your questions in these webpages but we also encourage students, parents and agents to contact us with any questions they may have about St. Clare's and the courses we offer.

Do not hesitate to call us. We speak a total of 6 languages so we should be able to help you even more easily. You can call us Monday - Friday between 0900-1700 GMT or you can email us to get in touch; we will reply as soon as possible.

You might want to request further information or help with applying for the course using this enquiry form.

Member of staff Telephone & Email
Richard Gorst
Business & Promotions Manager
+44 1865 517373
Manuela Williams
Sales & Registration Manager

+44 1865 517706

Richard Walton
Director of Studies EFL
+44 1865 517703
Dobrila Arezina
Office Manager
+44 1865 517707
Stephanie O'Keeffe
Accommodation Officer
+44 1865 517335
Mail address: St. Clare's, Oxford - 18 Bardwell Road - Oxford OX2 6SP

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student photo