Oxford Education Studies Programme

Profiles of schools where internships are available:

  • West Kidlington School
    A Primary school with a focus on Values Education. The school is the subject of a book, The Quiet Revolution by Frances Farrer. Strong use of technology and integrated learning.
  • Pegasus Primary School
    A strong developmental approach to learning and providing social services distinguishes this school. It is situated in one of the most deprived areas of Oxford, and notable for a number of innovative community and educational partnership schemes to support families. The student body is ethnically and economically diverse, and over 60% have high needs. All staff are trained in cooperative disciplinary techniques – interns would be expected to take the school's Prescribed Discipline course. Please visit the school's website for reports and further information: www.pegasus-pri.oxon.sch.uk
  • Gosford Hill School
    A secondary school with a large and diverse student body (1,121 pupils). In 2003 it became a Specialist College in Maths and Technology. The Headmaster is willing to lead an educational tutorial on current educational topics related to special needs students, secondary education, student support and school leadership. Please visit the school's website for reports and further information: www.gosford-hill.oxon.sch.uk
  • Oxford Community School
    A rapidly improving and effective Comprehensive Secondary school serving a population of diverse students. It offers strong support services to special needs, refugee and English as a Second Language students. The school enjoys strong links with Oxford University and Oxford Brookes University to provide teacher training, mentoring for young students and events to promote greater awareness of diversity education. Please visit the school's website for reports and further information: www.oxford.oxon.sch.uk

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