Recent news from College

Students are Heros

Inspired by artist JR our English course students put on their own 'Students as Heros' exibition - read more ...

Inspiring art

Fashion inspired by portraits, our students attend a workshop at the National Portrait Gallery in London - read more ...

New publication for Suso Rodriguez Blanco

We are delighted to congratulate Suso on the publication of his new textbook - read more ...

Art Exhibition

An evening 'art happening' showcasing exciting works attracted an appreciative audience - read more ...

Nurenberg re-trial

First year IB students re-enacted the famous trial evaluating the arguments used by both sides - read more ...

The 2011 Sports Awards

Students excelled throughout the year and received their awards - read more ...

Fundraising for Japan

Staff and students had a hilarious evening raising money for the British Red Cross tsunami appeal - read more ...

More excellent performances

Not to be outdone by fellow IB students, Pre-IB theatre students showcase their talents - read more ...

Our excellent musicians

Two IB students studying music win prestigious competitions at the Oxford Music Festival - read more ...

Past news

To get a feel for student life at St. Clare's, as well as reading other articles about college
achievements, you might be interested in looking at previous news stories - read more ...

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