College news

Much ado about nothing

The last seven weeks have been very busy for the Theatre Department. The second year IB students have chosen their play for December ("Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare) and cast students from all year groups in a variety of major and minor roles. "Much Ado About Nothing", an exciting, fast-moving and lavishly costumed abridged version lasting a dizzying ninety minutes will be performed in the main Hall on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th December.

We have also had two visits by professional actors to the St. Clare's Theatre Club (Tim Matthews from Spielberg's Band of Brothers and Gemma Salter, musical theatre actor and graduate of the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts). Both actors watched and critiqued student performances of audition monologues as well as answering a variety of questions about the realities of working as an actor, something which students found both daunting and inspiring.

Finally there have been trips to see various theatre productions outside the school including a modern production of Richard III.

The second half term promises to be even busier with stage fight and theatre makeup workshops, a trip to see Kathakali in performance, a visit from the great Shakespearean actor Jon Trenchard and, of course, the huge amount of work that will go into our production of Much Ado...
