Liberal Arts - Seminar Series

The St. Clare's Seminar Series has provided an opportunity for students to explore a stimulating range of issues and ideas. Each semester the series is linked by a common theme. Themes in previous years have included: Death and Love; Dreams and Nightmares; Creation and Inspiration; Tragedy and Love; Cultural Contests; The Sense of Place; Representing Childhood.

The City and Modern Life - Cities are an integral part of modern life. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, only 3% of the world's population lived in cities; by the end of the twentieth century this figure had risen to 47%. How has the growth of the modern city changed the way in which we live, and how do we begin to map these changes? This interdisciplinary series will explore this topic from a variety of critical and cultural perspectives.

Seminar title Speaker
‘Love at Last Sight': The City and Modernist Literature Keith Hopper - Kellogg College, Oxford
Movement, Mobility, and the Modern City Dr Derek McCormack - Mansfield College, Oxford
‘Fighting now underway in outskirts': The City and the Foreign Correspondent Dr Maurice Walsh - St. Antony's College, Oxford
The Metropolis and the Individual: The Story of an Evolution Huseyin Cakal - St. Cross College, Oxford
‘Get back to Palestine': Anglo Jewry and anti-Semitism in the Modern City from the 1880s to the present Dr Peter Claus - Pembroke College, Oxford
From New Jerusalem to Fallen Babylon: Imagining the City in the Middle Ages Paul Sinclair - St. Clare's, Oxford
Living in Translation: Reflections on Diversity in Montréal Dr Ines Molinaro - St. Clare's, Oxford
Mean Streets: Crime Fiction and the City Victoria Staveley - St. Clare's, Oxford
The City and the Modern World through Jazz John Rolfe - St. Clare's, Oxford

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