Recent news from College

First match for the Girls' Football Team

The girls' had a credible start to the season with a draw against Malvern College - read more ...

Tribute to Michael Stanley (1975-2012)

Staff and students from the Art Department were saddened to hear that Michael Stanley died this week - read more ...

Summer in Sierra Leone

Ian Gill, Head of Science at St. Clare's, spent time this summer teaching IB students at local schools in Freetown - read more ...

New members join the St. Clare's family

125 students and staff, from more than 26 countries, joined together in one of Oxford's oldest traditions: Formal Dinner in college - read more ...

Orientation Day for our adult students in London

New faces, new courses, new places: there's always so much to learn at the beginning of the new academic year - read more ...

The Dragon's Tale

Our intrepid students took on the challenge of competing against Olympic rowing champions and did themselves proud - read more ...

Team GB here in Oxford

Officially recognised running races and traditional GB wheelbarrow races inspired our adult students to rise to the competitive challenge - read more ...

Culture and Power

Students studying on our adult courses are able to attend a series of seminars exploring a stimulating range of issues and ideas. This semester the Seminar Series is focussed on 'Culture and Power' - read more ...

Where will the graduates of 2012 be going next?

Liz Reece, Higher Education and Careers Advisor, explains how the International Baccalaureate Diploma and St. Clare's prepares our students so well for their future direction - read more ...

Globular clusters in a clear autumn sky

Led by Astronomy teacher Simon Davis staff and students were enthralled to see globular clusters M13 and M92 and two stars - Mizar and Alcor in a clear autumn sky - read more ...

Portraits to Honduras

This year our IB Visual Arts students have painted portraits of orphans in Honduras for the children to keep as part of the Memory Project - read more ...

Officially Oxford's highest scoring sixth form college

We are delighted to announce the IB exam results for our 109 students - 99% pass rate and one perfect score - read more ...

Graduation celebrations for our University Foundation Course students

Graduating students enjoyed a celebratory luncheon followed by certificates and prizes for academic achievements - read more ...

Past news

To get a feel for student life at St. Clare's, as well as reading other articles about college
achievements, you might be interested in looking at previous news stories - read more ...

St. Clare's, Oxford - Dragon Boat Race
St. Clare's, Oxford - Dragon Boat Race
St. Clare's, Oxford - Dragon Boat Race
St. Clare's, Oxford - Dragon Boat Race
student photo
student photo
student photo
St. Clare's Oxford - Trip to the Harry Potter Studios
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