Activities and Excursions

St. Clare's offers a wide range of activities during the summer. The activities programme is an important part of the overall educational experience and all students are expected to take part.

Members of the Activities Team are friendly, enthusiastic and always ready to help.  They prepare the busy schedule of excursions in advance but are always ready to respond to your suggestions for sports and social activities in the afternoons and evenings.  There's a vast range of options available as the sample programme below indicates.  Remember: 'the more you put in, the more you get out'!

Key features

  • One 'star' excursions per week is included in the price of your course
  • Activities and events are free of charge unless otherwise stated - just sign up and join in!
  • Additional 'star' excursions and some events are available at cost price (see sample below)

Sample Activity Programme

London *
Full day excursion of sightseeing 
and a museum
  • Tennis tournament
  • Team-building games
  • Welcome disco
Stonehenge *
Visit the world famous stone circle
  • Explore Oxford by Camera
  • Design your own T-shirt
  • Punting on the River Thames
  • Zumba Fitness Session
  • Make a Friendship Bracelet
  • Tennis competition
  • Pizza making £8
  • Volleyball
  • Casino Night
  • British Culture Club
  • Glass Painting
  • Rugby and Tennis 
  • Big Film Night
  • Table Tennis Tournament
  • Disco @ The Bridge £3
  • Volleyball Practice
  • Tennis Session
  • Jewellery design
  • Basketball
  • Ice skating £6
  • Talent Show
Windsor Castle *
The home of the Royal Family
  • Oxford Colleges Tour
  • Horror at the Movies
  • Disco @ The Bridge £3
Stratford-upon-Avon *
Full day excursion to the birthplace of
William Shakespeare
  • Football Practice
  • Oxford Castle Unlocked
  • Karaoke Evening