Living at St. Clare's

Having organised courses at St. Clare's for over 50 years we know how to look after children who are away from home. We have an excellent reputation for providing high quality educational courses. From the moment your child arrives at Heathrow airport, our commitment is to provide a high level of supervision and care throughout his or her stay with us.

Safe and secure campus grounds
During the academic year our Summer Junior campus is a private school. It is surrounded by a secure perimeter wall and the main gates are locked at night. Each house has a security coded entrance lock allowing entrance only to our staff and students. The school is in a pleasant residential part of Oxford.

High staff to student ratio
The school can accommodate up to 100 students. The ratio of staff to students is a minimum of 1:8. The Course Director is supported by an Activities Director, Director of Studies and a Welfare Officer. In addition there will be up to eight qualified and experienced teachers and an Activities Team of between six to eight enthusiastic and qualified staff.

Welfare Officer
Our Welfare Officer will supervise all students, make appointments for doctor's visits where necessary and keep accurate records of any accident or illness.