An excellent opportunity for Education majors, licensure students and Teaching Fellows to gain practical experience of the English school system, earn 4 units of credit while immersing themselves in British life and culture.
Students will have a unique opportunity to compare, theoretically and practically, the British and American educational systems. Our Comparative Education course (three units of transferable credit) will contrast and differentiate the goals and practices of primary and secondary education in the UK and the USA. Moreover, students are assigned a placement as a classroom assistant at a local primary or secondary school for 4 half days a week for 3 weeks (1 unit of transferable credit).
Course details
All students will be assigned placements as a classroom assistant for 4 half days a week in a primary or secondary school. Placements are based on the age range students plan to teach (1 unit of credit). All students take the Comparative Education course (3 units of credit). This course will critically analyze educational systems, processes and outcomes in the USA and the UK. Students will also consider the nature and value of international comparison systems for education. The aim of the course is to ensure familiarity of the UK and USA educational systems and to develop the ability to make basic and meaningful comparisons of educational systems across both countries. Moreover, students will be encouraged to reflect upon, explore, and refer to the practical experience gained as a result of their placement.
In order to secure a placement in a school, students must secure for a full student visa and submit proof of a clean criminal record (for e.g., police certificate or FBI clearance. Students are responsible for all costs associated with securing a full student visa.
Dr Ines Molinaro, Director of the Programme, can give you more detailed information about the 2014 course, what the requirements are and what to expect from this intensive programme. Email her - or call +44 1865 517715.