Independent Schools Inspection Report

Exceeds expectations again!

ISI inspects private colleges on behalf of the UK Home Office to confirm the quality of education and compliance with relevant legislation. It is a pleasure, therefore, to report that in both recent inspections St. Clare’s International College was awarded the highest grade, ‘exceeds expectations’, in all categories:

  1. The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learner’ achievement
  2. Students’ welfare, including health and safety
  3. The effectiveness of governance, leadership and management

These comments give a flavour of the full report which can be read below:

The quality of both the academic subject and English Language teaching continues to be excellent and ensure students are engaged and make rapid progress.
Relationships between students and staff and amongst students themselves are very good. Both international and English speaking students benefit from the excellent mix of nationalities, which enhances their cultural and linguistic experiences.


St Clares Oxford - accredited by the Indpendent Schools Inspectorate   Accredited and inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate ISI