
We are proud of the depth, range and expertise of our academic staff. With such a high regarded reputation for excellence and experience, we have no trouble attracting the best teachers to work at St. Clare's. Many of our staff are examiners in their field; many teach at the University of Oxford, Brookes University in Oxford as well as other universities in London.

Course Management
Course Director - Ines Molinaro BA (Concordia) MA PhD (Notre Dame)
Assistant Director - Paul Sinclair MA (St Andrews) MA (Washington)
EFL Director of Studies - Richard Walton BA (Exeter) PGCE TES/FL (Bangor)
Admissions Registrar - Manuela Williams BA (Reading)
English Teaching Staff
Geoff Taylor BA Hons (St Martin's School of Art, London)
RSA (Cambridge) DTEFLA, MEd (Manchester)
Denise Hopgood BSc Hons (Bath) PGCE (Nottingham)
CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)
Teaching staff Subject
Kay Alty BA (École Supérieur de Commerce, Reims) Marketing and Business
Jolanta Babiuch-Luxmoore PhD (University of Warsaw) Sociology
Helen Campbell-Pickford BA (Hons) (Oxford) MA (Manchester)
PGCA (Cambridge) DPhil candidate Department of Education,
University of Oxford
David Chaplin BA (Camarthen) History of
Anna Castriota MA (Oxford Brookes) Laurea in Filosofia (Bari) Politics,
Edward Clarke BA (Oxford) PhD (Dublin) St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford English Literature
Jing Fan BA (Central Chine Normal University) PGCE (University
of London) MSc (Leeds Metropolitan)
Marzieh Fatemian DPhil (Oxford) Department of Anatomy,
Physiology and Genetics University of Oxford
Karen Heath MPhil (Cambridge) DPhil (Oxford) History
Keith Hopper MA (Galway) MSt DPhil (Oxford)
Department for Continuing Education, Kellogg College, 
University of Oxford
Film Studies,
Katherine Kirkpatrick MA MSt (Oxford)
DPhil Candidate, Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford
Alison Lutton MA (Edinburgh) MA (Liverpool) DPhil (University
of Oxford)
English Literature
Coral Milburn-Curtis MSc DPhil (Oxford) Associate Fellow Green Templeton College, University of Oxford Education
Magnus Moar PhD (Sussex) Philosophy
William Powett Smith BSc (Bristol) CA (ICA Scotland) Accounting
Anna Scarná DPhil (York) Department of Experimental
Psychology, University of Oxford
Francesca Shakespeare BA (Exeter) Studio Arts
Patricia Simon BA (Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico) CELTA Spanish
Paul Sinclair MA (St Andrews) MA (Washington) History, Art History
Vandana Singh BA (Punjab) MBA (Manipal University, India) Economics
Barbara Spence (Escobar) MSc (LSE) LLB (Bogota) Business Ethics
Victoria Staveley BA (Memorial University, Newfoundland) Literature
Jadwiga Wanelik Magister Filologii (Jagiellonian University,

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