As the language of global communication English is increasingly used to study academic subjects in schools and colleges. It creates opportunities for students to join a global academic and business community.
This course allows confident speakers of English to develop command of English through the study of academic subjects.
Students taking this course will:
- Meet and analyse the three main genres of literature
- Study and visit a Shakespeare play
- Extend their English vocabulary
- Develop practical science skills and learn scientific terminology
- Improve and practise English grammar
- Collaborate with a wide range of nationalities to produce a humanities presentation
- Master technical terms in History, Economics and Psychology
- Engage in topical debate with other students
- Be introduced to aspects of the Theory of Knowledge
A three week progression of activities designed to challenge and develop:
Week 1: Experiencing
English + Shakespeare
- The conventions of literature through Shakespeare’s work.
Week 2: Harnessing
English + Science
- Scientific terminology and vocabulary using practical laboratory work.
Week 3: Producing
English + Humanities
Academic writing and collaborative presentations which marry analytical and linguistic skills.
- Themes taken from Mathematics, Business, Economics, History and Geography
Dates and prices
Age: 15+/16
Dates: Sunday 3 July - Saturday 23 July 2016 (3 weeks)
English Level: Advanced
Class size: 12 (maximum)
Time: 25 lessons per week (1 lesson = 55 minutes)
Price: £3300
Includes tuition, meals, accommodation, activities programme, 3 excursions and travel insurance
For more information contact:
Tom Whitehouse, Sales Coordinator - Summer Courses: tom.whitehouse@stclares.ac.uk