University Destinations

The vast majority of St. Clare’s graduates go to university as the next step in their career. Institutions all over the world welcome our students, and during their two years at St. Clare’s they are well prepared for and guided through decisions and applications.

Most students start university immediately, while a number choose to develop their personal skills and interests by taking a ‘gap year’ in which to travel, work or volunteer and thus improve their career prospects prior to continuing in education.

Students applied far and wide and have been successful in taking places at prestigious universities around the world. This year’s excellent results have ensured success for our students, particularly at a time when competition is strong. Many students have had offers from universities in different countries and been able to take up their first choice university.

Summary of destinations for 2014 graduates No. of students
UK universities (see below for details) 80
US universities and Liberal Arts colleges (see below) 11
European universities and colleges including IE University
(Spain), Jagiellonian Univeristy Medical College (Poland) x 2,
WHU Dusseldorf (Germany), Utrecht (Netherlands), Ecole
Hoteliere de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Far East Universities (Hong Kong University) 1
Russian Universities (People's Friendship University) 1
Gap year including students completing 1 Year Art and
Design Foundation courses and a student who as part of her
year will be a junior associate at a prominent scientific
institution in Serbia.

US and UK university league tables
48 St. Clare’s graduates, including those who took a gap year the previous year, have been placed in the top 20 UK universities (as ranked by The Independent Complete University Guide) with 42 in the top 10 (see below). Ten students are taking up places in top 50 US universities and liberal arts colleges according to the standard ranking list by U.S. News and World Report. Rankings represent an average of each university’s provision, for example, in teaching, research, entry standards, staff-student ratio, degrees awarded, job prospects, resources, retention rates and spending per student. 

Students placed in the top US universities and colleges No. of students
Northeastern University 3
University of Notre Dame 1
Tufts University 1
New York University 1
University of Miami 1
University of Washington 1
University of Southern California (World Bachelor Business Program) 1
Haverford College (Liberal Arts) 1
Students placed in the top 10 UK universities No. of students
University of Oxford 1
University of Cambridge 3
London School of Economics 4
Imperial College London 6
University of St. Andrews 2
University of Warwick 6
University College London 8
University of Exeter 6
University of Bath 4

Students have chosen to study a range of subjects including: Accounting and Finance, Animation, Anthropology, Architecture, Biomedical Science, Business Management, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Creative Music Technology, Economics, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, English Literature, Geography, Global Health and Social Medicine, Interior Design, International Management, International Relations, Law, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Genetics, Medicine, Modern Languages, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Politics, Psychological Behavioural Sciences, Psychology, Sociology and Theatre.

St. Clare’s is an international school and as such our students view universities from a global perspective. This year 67 current students as well as those applying after a Gap Year are progressing on to a World Top 200 University, that is within the Top 1% of Universities worldwide as measured by the Times Higher Education World Rankings and the QS World Rankings.

Classed in the other category are also specialist instituitons who are top in their field. This Includes:

2 Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne # 1 Hospitality School in the World. 2 IE # 1 European Business School (Finanical Times Rankings). 3 WHU Dusseldorf #25 European Business School (Financial Times Rankings).

We pride ourselves on helping students to make well-informed choices and applications for their future. Our careers and higher education programme provides a strong foundation for future study, work and life. Students comment on its value many years after they have left St. Clare’s.

Quotes from student feedback forms:

Being able to not only find the university for me but also periodically setting goals with my advisors to allow me to enter the uni.

IT was great to have an opinion and support of the specialist and being able to ask and receive help at any time.

I think that St. Clare's gives a lot of help to the students with their career choices during two years. Starting from the general discussions.

Very involved, professional and useful advice as well as constructive criticism and cajoling.

There was always someone available with advice and feedback. Also the personal tutor was of great help when starting writing the personal statement.

Melanie Moorhouse, Careers and Higher Education Adviser
Paul Sinclair, United States Universities Adviser

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