The IB at St Clare's

We put our success down to a combination of factors - small class sizes, students who are serious about their work, the stimulating experience provided by the IB curriculum, excellent teachers and a supportive environment where young adults are able to flourish. The atmosphere is informal and friendly, encouraging personal responsibility and international friendships.

Entry is based on previous academic results and interview. We have a competitive scholarship and bursary programme awarded by examination, interview and group exercises.

Our students regularly win places at Oxford, Cambridge, LSE and other leading UK universities as well as Harvard, Yale and Stanford in the USA

Studying the IB at St Clares OxfordLucien - French - 43 points - Gap Year - teaching English in Nepal
I don’t know if it is the international environment, the quality of the teaching or the diversity of backgrounds found at St Clare’s that broadened my views of the world but it goes without saying that I have spent two unforgettable years of my life here. I have grown immensely and I am incredibly grateful for everything that has happened to me.

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