Our policies

We wish to ensure that our students are well looked after during their holiday course at St. Clare's. We feel that it is important that parents have copies of our policy documents available should they need to consult them again. We wish to remind parents of the following:

Parent Agreement

I understand that 15, 16 and 17 year old students attending Courses for Teenagers enjoy considerable independence and freedom during their free time. They can, for example, go into Oxford unsupervised and are not required to return to the College until 2300 hrs.

I agree to the following:

  • Permission for my child to receive emergency medical or dental treatment if necessary
  • Participation in all aspects of the course, including swimming and other sports
  • Permission for my child to appear in photographs which may be used in St. Clare’s publicity materials
  • Permission for my child to receive basic medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, for minor ailments

Consent to travel

All parents need to complete the following Letter of Consent to Travel form confirming that they have given consent for their son or daughter to travel to St. Clare's for their summer course. Please make sure that you complete this form, print it off and bring it with you. You will need to show this to Immigration at the airport.

Travel Insurance

The course fees include travel insurance cover with an independent insurance company organised by St. Clare's brokers. These are the full details of the Travel Insurance Policy. If you need to make any claims on the policy you must contact the insurance company yourself. However we strongly recommend that you take out your own insurance in the case of lost or stolen belongings.

Terms and Conditions of enrolment

At the time of booking your course we asked all parents to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.

College Rules

We have few rules, but we expect our teenage students to read them carefully and take them seriously. When students arrive at their houses, the house warden will ask students to read the rules and sign to say that they agree to abide to them.