Student welfare and personal tutors

Relations between staff and students are very positive and there is a warm and caring atmosphere built on tolerance and understanding with high academic expectations. The pastoral system combines active support for students with careful monitoring of their academic and personal progress.

Students have access to a range of adults with whom they can build a good and trusting relationship e.g. their Personal Tutor, Warden, College Counsellor, Boarding Manager, Assistant Principal and Vice Principal. Medical care is provided by the College Nurses; in addition all students are registered at an NHS medical centre on Banbury Road. Our medical rooms are used for isolation of ill students.

Catering provides a variety of food designed to appeal to students of different cultural backgrounds. Students with particular dietary needs discuss these individually with the Catering Manager. Special arrangements are made for students fasting during Ramadan. The catering unit will produce special meals on special occasions e.g. International Day.

Personal Tutors

Each student is paired with a member of staff who oversees all aspects of their life here. Personal Tutors act as a first point of contact for parents and are in frequent contact with parents. Each Personal Tutor takes responsibility for the oversight of approximately 12 students. This responsibility extends to academic and non-academic aspects of students’ lives and includes residential life as well as other aspects of the College outside the classroom.

Personal Tutors liaise with Wardens, the Assistant and Vice Principals and subject teachers in matters of discipline and students’ academic work, attitude and progress. Students will meet with their Personal Tutors each week. Personal Tutors will organise outings for their groups, encouraging mixing of nationalities.

Pastoral care and discipline “Excellent” (Good Schools Guide)

We provide accommodation for our students:

  • to encourage development of independence, responsibility and the skills of community living
  • to give students a positive experience of international living. Students in our houses live closely together with students of different religions, nationalities and cultures
  • to encourage their participation in the life of the college and in the life of the city of Oxford

It is important that we look after the needs and protect the rights of each student and build a sense of community within each house and within the College as a whole.

Our regulations aim to:

  • protect students’ rights — especially the rights to privacy and to a positive study environment
  • satisfy students’ needs — for security, friendship and appropriate care
  • ensure students’ safety and personal welfare while granting them freedoms appropriate to their age

Our students are expected to behave in a way that shows respect and consideration for themselves, for fellow students, and for the college community as a whole.

Promoting independence and responsibility

Our regulations and boarding practice are less strict than those found in many other boarding schools. This is deliberate and is designed to foster the development of independence and responsibility in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

The experience of living away from home in itself is educational, requiring students to become increasingly responsible for their daily lives. Students have to take charge of their affairs in a more independent manner; this is a good preparation for university and adult life.

We expect day students to participate as fully as possible in all college activities and this is helped with some overnight stays in college accommodation.

Ogheneruteyan – Nigerian American

Engineering at University of Pennsylvania USA

The IB has given me a new outlook to life and has challenged me in aspects in my education that were previously foreign to me and the international diversity at St Clare’s has enriched my global awareness.  I have been able to develop both my academic and non-academic interest through various activities and my interactions with other students and staff.  The lesson I learned have contributed immensely to my growth as a person and have paved the path for my future endeavours.

College policies

The College has clear policies on bullying, substance abuse and behaviour, all of which are outlined in classes and in the residential houses. Our behaviour policy is understood by staff, students and parents and implemented fairly and consistently. We have a clear attendance policy that encourages good attendance and punctuality. We have clear rules that are followed consistently and are appropriate to the age of the students.

Our full policies can be found here

Further Reading

Career Launch Day

Exploring options for higher education and their future careers Our annual Launch Day took place on Monday 18 March 2019 to help International Baccalaureate students explore their options for higher education and their future careers.We were joined by a range of...

St Clare’s global citizens making a difference

St Clare’s global citizens making a difference Nicholas Zane, an International Baccalaureate student at St Clare’s, has undertaken a range of work to commemorate the Holocaust and raise awareness of the Kaifeng Jews. It was in early 2018...

IB Orientation Olympics

The orientation weekend would not be complete without the Orientation Olympics. This is an annual event for new students arriving to study Pre-IB or IB and each student is assigned a team: Blue, Green, Yellow or Red. They play a range of fun games...

We care for our students every day

Ensuring our students are happy and well looked after is most important to us.

Contact Elena Hesse, Vice Principal – Pastoral for more information

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St Clare's, Oxford