Pre-IB work-related learning day Our Pre-IB work-related learning day took place on Wednesday 13 February 2019. The aim was to promote teamwork and give students the opportunity to develop key employability skills. Our students were asked to design and construct a...
Accommodation for teenagers
College houses
Students live in 15 college houses within a five-minute walk to the Banbury Road Campus. Each house accommodates between seven and 25 students, aged between 15 and 19.
The advantages of living in a college houses are:
- each house has a resident warden responsible for the welfare and care of students
- weekly and full boarding arrangements are available
- male and female students live in separate houses
- most bedrooms are twin rooms with some triple rooms
- single bedrooms are usually for second-year IB students
- three houses are specifically for younger students (15-16 years old). The wardens provide a greater degree of supervision for these younger students
- all houses have a common room and a kitchen to make drinks and snacks
- meals are provided in the dining room or the Sugar House café
- WiFi is provided in each house and in every bedroom
- students must abide by the house rules
- house rules differ slightly for students of different ages

In June, July and August, teenagers taking our English language courses can choose to live in one of our carefully selected homestays.
The advantages of living in a homestay are:
- full immersion into the English way of life and a chance to learn about the country from people who live here
- a single room with your own private space in a private home
- an opportunity to practise your language skills in everyday social situations and interact with local people as you travel to and from college every day
- a taste of home cooking: you will share breakfast and dinner with your host every day
- you might sit together in the evenings and chat about your day
- you can meet your friends for lunch in the college dining room or Sugar House café
- it is often the best way to learn about life in Oxford
Further Reading
St Clare’s global citizens making a difference
St Clare’s global citizens making a difference Nicholas Zane, an International Baccalaureate student at St Clare’s, has undertaken a range of work to commemorate the Holocaust and raise awareness of the Kaifeng Jews. It was in early 2018...
Looking back at summer 2018
We had so much to be grateful for this summer: weeks of pristine weather, some truly special activities, and most of all we had the chance to meet so many lovely people from all over the world. We were thrilled to host groups from Korea, Argentina and the...
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