IB Field Trips
As part of their science studies all IB students must take part in a residential field trip. This group of students were studying marine and estuary ecosystems in west Wales. The weather can make a big difference, and due to the nature of the study location, students often get wet! This year they had glorious sunshine.

Further Reading
The Future of IB: Alessandro Blanchi Maiocchi
Having studied the IB Diploma from 2012-2014 Alessandro then studied at Warwick business school. He has also set up Meccamico, his own business in the automotive sector matching an individual’s repair needs with the best person to fix the problem. We recently caught...
Celebrating another year of outstanding IB Diploma results
Once again our students have produced a remarkable set of results in the prestigious IB Diploma. We are relatively unselective in intake, making the average of 36.7 points (equating to better than 3 A grades at A level) even more impressive, and the...
“The Insider” podcast
The first episode of “The Insider” has just been published. “The Insider” is a new podcast created by our International Baccalaureate students. The podcast series seeks to find out more about teachers and gain unique insights on things they have learned on their...
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