St Clare’s and COVID-19

As a result of the coronavirus crisis we regret that St Clare’s is now closed. For emergency calls regarding pastoral support or safeguarding please call 07932 724511. For all other enquiries please send an email to 

The IBO is going to provide schools with guidance about how they will award grades on 27 March 2020. This will certainly involve assessment of IAs and EAs completed, and may also involve schools providing other data such as internal examination performance etc. We would ask that students and parents do not send e mails asking questions about grading at this stage since the answer to all of them will be that we won’t know until 27 March.

Students who have departed for their home countries will receive academic support from their teachers to ensure that they can continue to make progress. This will allow all our students to be productive whilst they are at home. 

Summer Courses

As to the summer, we continue to look forward to welcoming students as we do every year. We are busy planning for new arrivals – interviewing and appointing staff, planning lessons and study visits, preparing activities and events, and booking venues and coaches.

We recommend making bookings in the usual way however we will no longer be requiring a deposit to reserve a place on one of our summer courses.  Full payment will not be required until two weeks before course start-date, by which time we will be much clearer about the impact of the virus.  Please note that we are more than happy to transfer current bookings to summer 2021 if requested.

Visitors to the college 

The college is currently closed to all visitors. We are usually delighted to see former students but for the time being such visits are suspended until later in the year.  All visits by prospective students and parents have also been suspended, and we are conducting interviews via Skype.

Finally, here is a link to a message from the Principal, Andy Rattue, which is aimed at the whole St Clare’s community including the thousands of former students and friends of St Clare’s around the world:

Here is the advice from Public Health England

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St Clare's, Oxford