A Harold Pinter Play
The IB19 held a great rendition of Harold Pinter’s ‘Party Time’. The students have been working with techniques from physical theatre, inspired by the work of the Frantic Assembly theatre company. With a minimalist style, the production used a stripped back stage and lighting, in order to focus the attention on Pinter’s word- play. The cast members greatly enjoyed grappling with Pinter’s texts and they have all found a unique interpretation of character which was exciting to witness on stage.
Terry- Daniel Coates
Gavin- Thibault Van Buchem
Dusty- Elena Pare
Melissa- Grace Zhao
Liz- Valeria Berghinz
Charlotte- Isidora Milic
Fred- Tom (Janquan) Tu
Douglas- Severin Lovenskiold
Jimmy- Artur Abgarowicz