New Science and Maths Building

by on 29/04/2017

The new £3.3m Science and Mathematics building provides 3 science laboratories and prep rooms and three large classrooms for Mathematics lessons. Named after Pamela Morris, one of the founders of the college in 1953, the building was carefully designed to complement the surrounding Victorian and Edwardian architecture.

Science building gallery

Further Reading

A Levels or IB Diploma?

  Are you unsure if the IB Diploma or A Levels is the right choice for you? We can help you make the right choice for your future studies. IB IB students take 6 subjects (3 at higher level and 3 at standard level). In addition IB students must undertake 3...

Celebrating outstanding IB Diploma results

Once again our students have produced a remarkable set of results in the prestigious IB Diploma. We are relatively unselective in intake, making the average of 36.7 points (equating to better than 3 A grades at A level) even more impressive, and the...

The Future of IB: Alessandro Blanchi Maiocchi

Having studied the IB Diploma from 2012-2014 Alessandro then studied at Warwick business school. He has also set up Meccamico, his own business in the automotive sector matching an individual’s repair needs with the best person to fix the problem. We recently caught...

Study Science in these award winning facilities

All students take a science as part of the IB diploma

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