University Foundation Course – Class of 2017

by on 06/07/2017

It only seems like yesterday that 28 students from all over the world joined the St Clare’s International College to study on our University Foundation Course. And yet the time has come to say goodbye to them all as they complete the foundation course and head off for the summer before starting at university in September.

University Foundation Course Graduation

Where have our students come from?

Students from 7 different countries – Albania (1), Belgium (8), China (9), Germany (5), Italy (3), Spain (1), Turkey (1) – have worked extremely hard all year and have just been through the challenge of 3 final 3-hour exams in 3 days so today is a time for them to let their hair down and take time to reflect on their achievements.

Many students have found this year an opportunity to enhance their high school education and in small classes, get the support they need to truly understand difficult concepts, sometimes for the very first time.

Where will they go next?

In the UK, students are holding offers from Manchester, Surrey, Cardiff, Loughborough and many others, with some students opting to return to Oxford to study at Oxford Brookes, having fallen in love with the city while at St Clare’s.

Three students are thrilled to be heading for the highly competitive BA in International Business at Maastricht University, others will study law at world-renowned universities in their native Germany, while KU Leuven and other Belgian universities will be the final destination for some of our Belgian students. One student applied to 10 universities in 3 different countries and apprenticeship schemes!

Wherever our students go next, we know that St Clare’s will have given them a firm foundation in academic English, the applied studies of business or the humanities, and made them truly university-ready with the skills they need to flourish academically and socially.

International cooperation

We are very proud of all our graduating class of 2017 for their hard work, commitment to their studies and the way in which they have all grown and overcome challenges to complete our demanding course. Perhaps more importantly, they have all learned to work in an international classroom, to live independently and to make lifelong friendships with people from all over the world and we wish them huge success and happiness for their future.

Further Reading

Gateway to University: a unique pre-Foundation course

Of the many unique and inspiring courses offered at our International College, the Gateway to University programme seems to elicit the most questions from parents and students alike. In this post, we will explore who our pre-Foundation course is for, what...

Foundation Class of 2018: where are they now?

In June 2018, 26 University Foundation course students celebrated their graduation in the Oxford sunshine. We were thrilled at our students' university offers from some of the most eminent universities in the UK. We are similarly very proud of our 2018...

University offers, Foundation Class of 2018

Students on the St Clare's University Foundation Course are holding offers from many of the UK's most sought-after and respected universities, including 18 offers from World Top 200 universities (Times Higher Education Supplement). We are very proud to see...

Inspired by these university destinations?

Learn more about our University Foundation Course

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