University success for our Foundation graduates

With around 70 years experience teaching students from around the world, we’ve been able to build a University Pathways course quite unlike anything else.

We are an international college, so our University Foundation Programme gives students the chance to expand their cross-cultural awareness and build international friendships. As such, our University Foundation attracts students from a wide range of countries and this year is no exception. Our graduating class includes students from 10 different countries, including Israel, Laos, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Germany, among many more.

Excellent set of results from the class of 2022

There are several successes to celebrate, with 2 students receiving all A grades and 80% achieving marks A*-C. 

University destinations

In addition to the outstanding results, the breadth of quality universities that our students’ progress onto is a fantastic success story! We are delighted that following an excellent set of results our University Foundation Programme student’s have accepted places at Santa Clara University, Bocconi University, University of Amsterdam, University of Lincoln, University of Roehampton and many more.

With a significant proportion of the students studying in their second language, we are also thrilled by the range of pathways our students are progressing onto including Econometrics, Law, Mathematics and Computer Science as well as Economics and Social Science.

Who is a foundation course for?

It is for students who wish to:

  • Further their academic education after completing Secondary Education in a non-English speaking country
  • Advance their English language skills and academic study skills
  • Improve their IELTS score for entry to university
  • Prepare to join a university degree course taught in English


Why choose St Clare’s?

We specialise in teaching the IB Diploma, University Foundation, English language and Gap Year courses as well as short summer courses for Juniors, Teenagers and Adults. With such a wealth of teaching experience, we are the perfect choice if you are looking to gain a quality international education in Oxford!

Our University Foundation Programme prepares you for life in the UK and progression onto a university course in an academic year. Download our college brochure or book your place on our University Foundation Programme this September or October.

Progress onto university within a year

Further Reading

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Students often need a change of scenery from studying in the Library or in their rooms, and so seek different places to study. However, it is sometimes too time-consuming to find a quiet place which is not overcrowded. Therefore, I visited 3 cafes that can...



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