All the fun of the circus

by on 29/05/2017

We brought the circus to St Clare’s! All afternoon students were learning how to do circus tricks and learn new skills – balancing, juggling, riding and mastering hula hoops.

These are just some of the fun activities our juniors can do on campus during their summer holiday with us whilst developing their English language skills.

Wide range of activities and excursions

Our Junior courses offer up to 9 excursions (3 full day and 3 half day trips) as part of the package. Some of the most popular trips include London, particularly visiting the cultural attractions Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and the Science Museum.

Further Reading

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Hear from our Students: The Top 3 Cafes for studying in Oxford

Students often need a change of scenery from studying in the Library or in their rooms, and so seek different places to study. However, it is sometimes too time-consuming to find a quiet place which is not overcrowded. Therefore, I visited 3 cafes that can...

Join us this Summer!

Click here to book a place on our Summer Course for Juniors


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St Clare's, Oxford