recent news from college

New book published by Nick Kneale

English Studies teacher at St. Clare's and Lecturer at the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford has co-edited a book of writings on the theme of 'memory' - read more ...

Duke of Edinburgh Gold

Two students attended a ceremony in the town hall to receive their gold medals from the Lord Mayor - read more ...

Trip to Barcelona

Students and staff visited Barcelona as part of their IB Spanish language and literature course - read more ...

Keynote speaker at University of Antwerp

Suso Rodriguez Blanco, Spanish teacher at St. Clare's, gave a keynote address at the prestigious Instituto de Estudios Hispanicos - read more ...

New book published by Jos Vos

Dutch teacher at St. Clare's, Jos Vos has published a new book entitled Eeuwige Reizigers ('Eternal travellers') - read more ...

Wofford College interim course

Twenty one students attended a course at St. Clare's as part of their interim semester programme - read more ...

Read previous news articles

True to Life - Nick Kneale
Suso Rodriguez Blanco
Eeuwige Reizigers Jos Vos
Wofford College trip to Oxford