English language Summer Courses - any questions?

We are sure you will have questions about our courses, about what it is like to spend your holiday with us, about who else will be here and how to get here. We have prepared some useful pages with just a few of the questions parents and students have asked in the past. I hope you will find the answers to your questions here - if not do not hesitate to call us or send us your questions by email.

All students enrolled on our courses will be sent further information before arrival. Don't worry! we will ensure your trip and your holiday will be fun and worthwhile!

Follow the links to the question pages you would like to visit

Please contact us with any other questions you might have. We are happy to receive enquiries in your language; we speak several languages.

Contact Richard Gorst:
Tel: +44 1865 517373
Email: richard.gorst@stclares.ac.uk

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