Language tutorials

As St. Clare's is an international college, you will be in daily contact with a wide range of different nationalities: therefore it is an ideal place for you to study a language. Please note that only one langauge course may normally be studied. Courses are offered in Italian, Spanish, French and German to students at all levels. These are divided into four main categories.

Within the general levels and categories given below, the Liberal Arts Programme offers Language Tutorials in Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), Portuguese, Latin and Greek.

Course level
French I Beginners / Introduction
French II Intermediate
French III Lower Advanced to Advanced
French Literature courses Arranged on request
Course level
German I Beginners / Introduction
German II Intermediate
German III Lower Advanced to Advanced
German Literature courses Arranged on request
Course level
Italian I Beginners / Introduction
Italian II Intermediate
Italian III Lower Advanced to Advanced
Italian Literature courses Arranged on request
Course level
Spanish I Beginners / Introduction
Spanish II Intermediate
Spanish III Lower Advanced to Advanced
Spanish Literature courses Arranged on request

Short descriptions by level

I Beginners / Introduction Level

French, German, Spanish and Italian I (Lower level - L)
Broadly speaking, the Beginners / Introduction level Tutorial courses in French, German, Spanish and Italian follow a similar format, with the emphasis on the spoken language. Although there will be different approaches across the range of lanauges, the aim is to equip students with the essential structures of the language (oral skills and reading) needed for a visit to France, Germany, Spain or Italy, ie. survival language. Language Tutorial courses at this level are the equivalent of a first semester courses within the general language requirement. The precise content of the course will vary with the composition of the groups, and every advantage is made to take advantage of the fact that groups are very small and to tailor the courses to their interests.
Prerequisites/s: none

II Intermediate Level

French, German, Spanish and Italian II (Lower level - L)
The Intermediate level Tutorial courses in French, German, Spanish and Italian are for students with a basic knowledge of the language such as would be gained in a semester's Beginners / Introduction course. The Intermediate level course constitutes a thorough revision of the grammar contained in the Beginners / Introduction to the language, while at the same time developing the student's command of the more subtle points. It also enlarges their basic vocabulary and introduces them to much more contemporary idiomatic language. The emphasis is on the spoken language, but students read and write the language too. Students will be introduced to a great deal of material about French, German, Spanish and Italian life. As with the Beginners / Introduction level, there will be different approaches across the range of languages, and the precise content of each course will vary with the composition of the group. Every effort will be made to tailor the course to the interest of the students.
Prerequisites/s: students must have successfully completed a Beginners / Introduction level course (or the equivalent) in the language of their choice - French, German, Spanish or Italian.

III Lower Advanced / Advanced Level

French, German, Spanish and Italian III (Upper level - U) The Lower Advanced / Advanced level Tutorial courses in French, German, Spanish and Italian are for students who have completed levels I and II (or the equivalent). The Adanced level courses revise basic structures, dealing more with more of the irregularities or less common points, and expand students' command to more sophisticated language. They are also introduced to prose of a more literary nature, as well as continuing to look at other written sources, such as periodicals, newspapers, journals, etc. While there will be different approaches across the range of languages, oral communication will still be emphasised, but there is also a necessary emphasis on accuracy in writing and speaking.
Prerequisites/s: students must have successfully completed levels I and II (or the equivalent) in the language of their choice - French, German, Spanish or Italian.

Literature Courses

French Literature (Upper level - U)

This is an introductory course in which students will read modern twentieth century texts. The emphasis will be on building up reading skills and on oral discussion. Students will also be required to write short written assignments on the texts studied. The course will be conducted in French.
Prerequisite/s: this course is intended for French language specialists only.

German Literature (Upper level - U)

This course will comprise of reading, analysing and discussing a range of writing representing the variety and richness of German literature. The emphasis will be on nineteenth and twentieth century drama, fiction and poetry, and authors will include Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, Hoffman, Brecht and Durrenmatt.
Prerequisite/s: this course is intended for German language specialists only.

Spanish Literature (Upper level - U)

This course is an introduction to the literature of Spain. Students will carry out critical readings of masterpieces by the major writers of Spain, and will be introduced to the main trends of Spanish literature and thinking. The particlar periods of interest: the Golden Age, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and their impact on modern literature.
Prerequisite/s: this course is intended for Spanish language specialists only.

Italian Literature (Upper level - U)

This course will comprise of the reading, analysing and discussion of the most representative Italian authors including Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Ariosto, Tasso, Goldoni, Manzoni, Leopardi, Pirandelo, Montale and Ungaretti.
Prerequisite/s: this course is intended for Italian language specialists only.

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