Liberal Arts - Seminar Series

The St. Clare's Seminar Series has provided an opportunity for students to explore a stimulating range of issues and ideas. Each semester the series is linked by a common theme. Themes in previous years have included: Death and Love; Dreams and Nightmares; Creation and Inspiration; Tragedy and Love; Cultural Contests; The Sense of Place; Representing Childhood; The City and Modern Life; Boundaries and Borders.

The body is the fundamental fact of our existence. According to Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy' (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 1885). But how do we conceive of our bodies? How has the image of the human body changed over time, and how is it viewed across different cultures and societies? This interdisciplinary series will explore this topic from a variety of critical and cultural perspectives

Seminar title Speaker
“and yes I said yes”: James Joyce and the Literature of the Body Keith Hopper - Kellogg College, University of Oxford
Geography and Moving Bodies Dr Derek McCormack - Mansfield College, University of Oxford
Sophocles and the Wound Julian Armitstead, Writer in Residence, HMP Hewell
Imagining a Body Politic in the Middle Ages: The King, State and Society as Bodies Paul Sinclair - St. Clare's, Oxford
Is Depression a Disorder of the Mind or a Disorder of the Body? Anna Scarna, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
The Body, the Self, and Psychotherapy Niamh Moriarty - PPC Worldwide, Oxford
Sartre and Marcel: Two Existentialist Views on the Body and Society Kate Kirkpatrick, St. Cross College, University of Oxford
Body Modification in the Subcultures Huseyin Cakal, St. Cross College, University of Oxford
The Buddhist Monastic Tradition: An Anti-social Behaviour Order? David Chaplin, St. Clare's, Oxford

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