Summer English language courses

The following information is designed to:

  • Help you prepare your child for the course
  • Inform you about travel arrangements and airport procedures
  • Reassure you that good care will be taken of your child at all times

St. Clare's junior courses are based at our Summer Junior Campus in Headington, a 10-minute drive from the main St. Clare's campus and Oxford city centre. The school is enclosed within a perimeter wall with a secure gate, making it safe and welcoming for junior students. Residential accommodation, teaching facilities, catering and all sports and swimming activities are on site.

Contact details

The address for the school for all letters and correspondence during the course is:

St. Clare's, Oxford at
Rye St. Antony School
Franklin Road
Oxford OX3 8BY

In case of an emergency out of hours a mobile telephone number will be available through the course office answer-phone.

Contacting your child

The best time to call your child is in the evenings after 1900 hrs. Remember that on some evenings your child will be taking part in activities so you may not be able to contact your child at that time. Please do not call your child between the hours
2130 - 0700 UK time.

All children must switch off their personal mobile phones overnight.


All overseas visitors arriving in the UK must go through Immigration. Students need to:
  • Show their passport, with visa if required
  • Show their St. Clare's letter of acceptance
  • Show their Consent to Travel form

Consent to Travel form

All parents MUST complete this form. Please PRINT the completed form. Your son or daughter MUST SHOW IT to Immigration at the airport. Put it with their passport.

Arrival and departure

Arrival day is the first Sunday of the course; we cannot accept students before this day. Departure day is the last Saturday of each three-week course. It is not possible for students to stay an extra night at the end of their course.

Airport transfers

We take the business of looking after your child very seriously. Please link through here to read all the detailed information about airport transfers.

Identity cards

We give all students a St. Clare's identity card which they must carry at all times. Please email or post a passport-sized photograph to the Short Courses Division before the course starts so that we can prepare the cards in good time. We need this as soon as possible. Please email a passport size photo now to

Money and valuables

All activities are included in the course fees. He/she must also bring £20 for a damage deposit. This money is returned at the end of the course if there is no damage to pay for. To keep money safe we operate an on-site bank. Passports and tickets are also locked in the school safe. Bedrooms are not lockable so students should not bring items of great value. St. Clare's cannot accept responsibility for the loss or theft of personal items.

Personal spending money

Your child will only need pocket money for buying souvenirs, postcards, sweets etc. We advise personal spending money of about £50 per week minimum.

Medical and travel insurance

The course fees include travel insurance cover with an independent insurance company organised by St. Clare's brokers. These are the full details of the Travel Insurance Policy. If you need to make any claims on the policy you must contact the insurance company yourself. However we strongly recommend that you take out your own insurance in the case of lost or stolen belongings.

Medical problems

If your child feels unwell he/she should tell a member of staff. There will be a first-aider at the school 24 hours a day. We can arrange visits to the doctor or hospital.

Emergency medical treatment in the UK is free to everyone. However, you may have to pay for a doctor's appointment. In order to avoid this charge please remember to bring any additional documentation or health cards, eg. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

It is essential that you tell us about any medical conditions or allergies which you think we should know about.


Rooms on our junior campus vary from singles to small dormitories. Where possible older students are given single or twin rooms but this cannot be guaranteed. Boys and girls are accommodated separately and may not enter each others' bedrooms.

Each house is supervised by a member of staff. They help with problems at any time, day or night. Students are expected to share with others usually of a different nationality but similar age. If you have a specific request regarding your child's accommodation please contact us at least three weeks before the start of the course. Please note that we cannot guarantee to satisfy all such requests.

Linen and laundry

Towels and bed linen are provided and are normally changed every 10 days. Students need to bring their own towel for swimming.

All clothes must be marked with the student's name. Clothes are washed from Monday to Friday. Please ensure that your child brings a bag which can be used for laundry. Students should bring sufficient clothing to last for at least 5 days.

Special requirements

If your child needs a special diet, or facilities/arrangements for religious observance, or if there is any other important information, such as medical conditions, please write on the personal and medical information form that you return to the Summer Courses office.


All students on the course are encouraged to take part in sports, including swimming. You must tell us in writing if you do not wish your child to take part in any particular activity. Students are welcome to bring tennis racquets. They should bring swimwear and swimming towel if they want to swim.


Junior students aged between 10-12 are not allowed to leave the Summer Junior Campus without adult supervision. The 13-15 year old students may be allowed some independence for shopping on specified afternoons. This permission will only be given if they have demonstrated a mature attitude. They will be checked out and checked in. No student may go out unsupervised in the evenings.


In the UK it is illegal for children to:
  • buy cigarettes
  • buy alcohol
  • use drugs

Whilst on our courses junior students must follow these College Rules and, in addition:
  • be respectful and tolerant of staff and fellow students
  • comply with specified bedtimes
  • must not smoke
  • behave in a socially acceptable way at all times
  • not cause any wilful damage to property which is not their own

Please note: Students will be required to sign a form when they arrive, to indicate their understanding of the course rules and their willingness to abide by them. We reserve the right to send students home at their own expense if they break any of these rules.


Our Junior students have 18 hours of tuition per week: 3½ hours on 4 weekday mornings and 2 hours on 2 weekday afternoons.


We offer a range of sports during the course. These include: tennis, football, swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball, softball, table tennis, aerobics, punting.

Sample daily timetable

Daily schedule

Language lesson: getting to know each other / asking questions
Language lesson: writing a postcard to an English friend
Break with snack
Language lesson: 'Have fun with sport' learn and share new words
Project lesson: design, write and make a class magazine
Activities: swimming, treasure hunt, face painting
International Quiz Night with prizes
Story-telling / sing-a-long

Sample activities programme

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sports and games Half day excursion: Warwick Castle Tennis Excursion: London Eye and museums Swimming Arts and crafts Free time
free time free time Boardgames
Half day excursion: Oxford Colleges
Evening meal
Sports Bouncy castle Games Sports Outside games Sports Bungee run, barbecue and games
Arts and crafts Welcome party, barbecue and games International night Hawaiian disco
Film in hall Film in hall