Our campus for adult students

Our International College, exclusively for adult students, is based at the Bardwell Road Campus.

The campus is located in elegant Victorian buildings in Summertown that were once homes for wealthy professors at Oxford University.

At the end of Bardwell Road is the Cherwell Boathouse where you can hire punts (flat-bottomed narrow boats) and glide along the River Thames. At the other end of the road is a charming lane called North Parade described as “one of the most interesting little streets in Oxford” with cafés, restaurants, pubs, art galleries and local shops.

From the campus it is just a short walk through the beautiful Oxford University Parks into the centre of the city where you can enjoy wandering around looking at the shops, restaurants, bars, museums and sports clubs.

On this campus you will find:

  • Classrooms
  • Course offices
  • Activities Officer
  • Student common room
  • Student study room
  • Dining room
  • Teachers work room
  • Careers and Higher Education Adviser
  • Admissions
  • Office Manager
  • Finance matters
  • Course Director’s office
  • Deputy Course Director

You can find the contact details of all the staff who can help you in this list

Telephone: 01865 517706 – (+44 1865 517706)
Fax: 01865 553751 – +44 1865 553751)
Email: english@stclares.ac.uk
Office hours: Monday – Friday 0900-1700 GMT

Further Reading

The Future of IB: Alessandro Blanchi Maiocchi

Having studied the IB Diploma from 2012-2014 Alessandro then studied at Warwick business school. He has also set up Meccamico, his own business in the automotive sector matching an individual’s repair needs with the best person to fix the problem. We recently caught...

Celebrating another year of outstanding IB Diploma results

Once again our students have produced a remarkable set of results in the prestigious IB Diploma. We are relatively unselective in intake, making the average of 36.7 points (equating to better than 3 A grades at A level) even more impressive, and the...

“The Insider” podcast

The first episode of “The Insider” has just been published. “The Insider” is a new podcast created by our International Baccalaureate students. The podcast series seeks to find out more about teachers and gain unique insights on things they have learned on their...

We offer a range of courses for adults

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St Clare's, Oxford