A Harold Pinter Play
The IB19 held a great rendition of Harold Pinter’s ‘Party Time’. The students have been working with techniques from physical theatre, inspired by the work of the Frantic Assembly theatre company. With a minimalist style, the production used a stripped back stage and lighting, in order to focus the attention on Pinter’s word- play. The cast members greatly enjoyed grappling with Pinter’s texts and they have all found a unique interpretation of character which was exciting to witness on stage.
Michael Billington said of this play: “Party Time is set in smart, fashionable London. Gavin, a suave power-broker, is throwing a party at which his guests prattle of exclusive health-clubs, idyllic island retreats, past romantic liaisons. Meanwhile in the streets outside there is a violent disorder which is being savagely suppressed.” This is one of Pinter’s later short plays, which comments on political power ,dissent and oppression. It is also an exploration of human relationships and conflict and the Theatre group have connected with the themes of the play in a very meaningful and personal way.
Terry- Daniel Coates
Gavin- Thibault Van Buchem
Dusty- Elena Pare
Melissa- Grace Zhao
Liz- Valeria Berghinz
Charlotte- Isidora Milic
Fred- Tom (Janquan) Tu
Douglas- Severin Lovenskiold
Jimmy- Artur Abgarowicz