St Clare's, Oxford logo Parents' Information

for students on IB - Pre-IB - E16+ courses


First year IB

Second year IB

Pre-IB / EC16+


St. Clare's Home


Dear Parents,

Students are returning home after a long and exhausting Spring term. It has been eventful and productive, and we are pleased that students have maintained a high level of work and other activities right up to the end of term.

We have been busy. Events have included exams for all three sections of the course: Mocks for IB2, Interim Exams for IB1, and Module 4 exams for Pre-IB / EC16+. Near the start of the term, there was an excellent performance of 'My Mother Said I Never Should' by Charlotte Keatley, led by the IB2 Theatre students. This was followed by our usual celebration of Chinese New Year, a concert, and the first year play, 'Metamorphosis'. Teams of St Clare's students went to the model United Nations and to the Wilderness Challenge (a very creditable 5th place). We also had a successful International Day on Trade Rules. There were several fundraising events. The Homeless Support Group sold flowers on Valentine's Day, the Tanzania Project sold sweets and cakes, and the Student Council sold waffles and ice cream to raise money for the blind. There have also been the usual trips, to Barcelona and Wales, for example.

Other events provoked debate. The war in Iraq has continued to cast a shadow, and after the bombings in Spain Boyd Roberts spoke to all of the students about the issues that it raises.

We wish you and your family an enjoyable Easter break, and look forward to seeing students back with us on Sunday 18 April. Please navigate to your area of interest using the links on the left. You will find more information for students on these courses.

Yours sincerely,
Nick Lee, Director of Studies and Maureen Guy, Dean of Students