Recent news from College

St. Clare's, Uruguay

Inspired by St. Clare's in Oxford, Dr. Daniel Reta establishes St. Clare's College in Punta del Este, Uruguay - read more ...

River of art

Oxford school children celebrated with our Art Teacher, Francesca Shakespeare, the completion of a spectacular river - read more ...

One hundred percent

Once again we can be proud of our students and teachers confirming that 100% have passed their IB Diploma - read more ...

Seeing Saturn

Students studying Astronomy will enjoy the challenge of photographing the heavens - read more ...

Foundation Course graduation

Twenty five students celebrated their graduation from the University Foundation Course this week - read more ...

Sea and sunshine in the field

At the end of the summer term environmental science students travel to Wales to study slugs and salt marshes - read more ...

The Merchant of Venice

Humourous portrayal and heartfelt passion were wonderfully performed by our pre-IB students - read more ...

Norman castles

A trip to the spectacular castles in South Wales was sure to impress our adult students - read more ...

Portugese pastries and magnificent monasteries

Trips to spectacular castles, cathedrals and monateries plus cafés and restaurants were just some of the highlights for our adult students trip to Portugal - read more ...

Cornish seaside

A brief weekend in Cornwall gave students the chance to have a change of scene from Oxford - read more ...

Surf's up

Never slow to take up a challenge students from our adult centre braved big waves and chilly seas to master surfing - read more ...

A class act

Ninety eight students graduated with their International Baccalaureate Diploma and celebrated in style - read more ...

Past news

To get a feel for student life at St. Clare's, as well as reading other articles about college
achievements, you might be interested in looking at previous news stories - read more ...

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