Recent news from College

Senior students in a perfect setting

Students on our adult courses were welcomed to St. Clare's at St. Hugh's - read more ...

Impressive times

The College Running Club set challenging times at the Abingdon 5 km Race - read more ...

Six girls

Their first competitive sixes tournament was an excellent experience for our girls' football team - read more ...

Football draw

Our first football match of the season resulted in a draw with King Alfred's School - read more ...

Fond memories

A reunion of 55 IB students at the weekend brought back fond memories of times past and admiration of future times - read more ...

New residence for St. Clare's

Lucky boys - our newly refurbished house now provides room for 29 students - read more ...

Results and destinations

We have the latest news on our IB results and the destinations of our graduates - read more ...

Boundaries and Borders

The Senior Seminar Series for students on our adult courses will consider the wide subject of Boundaries and Borders this semester - read more ...

More reviews and articles from Keith Hopper

An authority on author Flann O'Brien, Keith has new reviews and articles published in the Times Literary Supplement and New Statesment this week - read more ...

Impressive donations

Our students were proud to donate £3,000 to SOS Children's Villages and Médecins Sans Frontieres - read more ...

St. Clare's, Uruguay

Inspired by St. Clare's in Oxford, Dr. Daniel Reta establishes St. Clare's College in Punta del Este, Uruguay - read more ...

River of art

Oxford school children celebrated with our Art Teacher, Francesca Shakespeare, the completion of a spectacular river - read more ...

99 percent

Once again we can be proud of our students and teachers confirming that 99% have passed their IB Diploma - read more ...

Seeing Saturn

Students studying Astronomy will enjoy the challenge of photographing the heavens - read more ...

Past news

To get a feel for student life at St. Clare's, as well as reading other articles about college
achievements, you might be interested in looking at previous news stories - read more ...

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