Rules and Ethos

St. Clare's, Oxford is a residential community with a purpose to advance international education and understanding. We bring together students from as many countries and cultures as possible so they can interact with each other in academic and non-academic settings in a safe and tolerant environment.

We provide accommodation for our students:

  • to encourage development of independence, responsibility and the skills of community living;
  • to give students a positive experience of international living. Students in our houses live closely together with students of different religions, nationalities and cultures;
  • to encourage their participation in the life of the college and in the life of the city of Oxford.

It is important that we look after the needs and protect the rights of each student and build a sense of community within each house and within College as a whole. 

Our regulations aim to:

  • protect students’ rights - especially the rights to privacy and to a positive study environment
  • satisfy students’ needs - for security, friendship and for appropriate care
  • ensure students’ safety and personal welfare while granting them freedoms appropriate to their age.

Our students are expected to behave in a way that shows respect and consideration for themselves, for fellow students, and for the college community as a whole. Our regulations and boarding practice are less strict than those found in many other boarding schools. This is deliberate and is designed to foster the development of independence and responsibility in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. The experience of living away from home in itself is educational, requiring students to become increasingly responsible for their daily lives. Students have to take charge of their affairs in a more independent manner, a good preparation for university and adult life. 

We expect day students to participate as fully as possible in all College activities and this is helped with some overnight stays in college accommodation.

The college has clear policies on bullying, substance abuse and behaviour which are outlined both in classes and in the residential houses. Our behaviour policy is understood by staff, students and parents and implemented fairly and consistently. We have a clear attendance policy which encourages good attendance and punctuality. We have clear rules which are followed consistently and are appropriate to the age of the students.

Studying the IB at St Clares OxfordJiangnan - Chinese - 42 points - University College London - Economics
Life at St. Clare’s is just like the IB: challenging but fascinating. Studying in such a diverse and friendly environment has encouraged me to discuss different ideas, undertake challenges and become a more independent thinker.