Welfare and Personal Tutors

Relations between staff and students are very positive and there is a warm and caring atmosphere built on tolerance and understanding with high academic expectations. The pastoral system combines active support for students with careful monitoring of their academic and personal progress.

Students have access to a range of adults with whom they can build a good and trusting relationship e.g. their Personal Tutor, Warden, Dean of Students and Vice Principal. Medical care is provided by the College Nurse and the NHS medical centre to which we are linked. Our medical rooms are used for isolation of ill students.

Catering provides a variety of food designed to appeal to students of different cultural backgrounds. Students with particular dietary needs discuss these individually with the Catering Manager. Special arrangements are made for students fasting during Ramadan.  The catering unit will produce special meals on special occasions e.g. International Day.

Personal Tutors
Each student has a member of staff who has oversight for all aspects of their life at St. Clare’s. Each Personal Tutor takes responsibility for the oversight of twelve students. This responsibility extends to academic and non-academic aspects of students' lives, and includes residential life as well as other aspects of the College outside the classroom. Personal Tutors liaise with Wardens, the Dean of Students and subject teachers in matters of discipline and students’ academic work, attitude and progress. Students have a short scheduled meeting with their Personal Tutors each week. Personal Tutors will organise outings for their groups, encouraging mixing of nationalities.

Pastoral care and discipline "Excellent" (Good Schools Guide)